Online funds such as Swisscash, ABFund seems to grow in M'sia now.
Some of me friends join and have even earned from there although it's just been a month since they had join. not sure to join the club yet, since i don't have the $$$ to fund it.
A little explanation from my fren is u can invest as little as USD $20 for 100days, and earn as much as u can. Seems to be eye catching for those who needs to earned xtra. better believe it. most of my friend have oledi earned much from what they have invest.
Review below link for explanation.
AB Fund.
Whoa . . . Much responds got from others... yeap, this hting are not 2 be trusted alrite. Tempting but it's only benefit for those which invest early. no one will guarantee u'll get ur investment back. What's the different between investing in share market n this ???. Point's to ponder...
Well for my sake, if u want to invest, better invest early n not to be greedy. This Pyramid scheme won't last long for all ya noe.
Broga Hill
13 years ago