Wanna post some important programming tips thru here as not to forget.
To Create an xml file from asp using VB scripting. Normal creation
Dim xmlDoc, rootEl, fieldAnswer, att01, p
'Create an xml Document
Set xmlDoc = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
'Create a root element and append it to the document
Set rootEl = xmlDoc.createElement("Element")
xmlDoc.appendChild rootEl
Set fieldAnswer = xmlDoc.createElement("Root1")
Set att01 = xmlDoc.createAttribute("Attr_ID")
'Set the value of the id attribute equal to the name of the current form field
att01.Text = "Sum Attr"
'Append the id attribute to the field element
fieldAnswer.setAttributeNode att01
'Append the field element as a child of the root element
rootEl.appendChild fieldAnswer
'Insert xml v ersion
Set p = xmlDoc.createProcessingInstruction("xml","version='1.0'")
xmlDoc.insertBefore p,xmlDoc.childNodes(0)
Generate Unique Key for asp
Function gen_key(digits)
'Create and define array
dim char_array(50)
char_array(0) = "0"
char_array(1) = "1"
char_array(2) = "2"
char_array(3) = "3"
char_array(4) = "4"
char_array(5) = "5"
char_array(6) = "6"
char_array(7) = "7"
char_array(8) = "8"
char_array(9) = "9"
char_array(10) = "A"
char_array(11) = "B"
char_array(12) = "C"
char_array(13) = "D"
char_array(14) = "E"
char_array(15) = "F"
char_array(16) = "G"
char_array(17) = "H"
char_array(18) = "I"
char_array(19) = "J"
char_array(20) = "K"
char_array(21) = "L"
char_array(22) = "M"
char_array(23) = "N"
char_array(24) = "O"
char_array(25) = "P"
char_array(26) = "Q"
char_array(27) = "R"
char_array(28) = "S"
char_array(29) = "T"
char_array(30) = "U"
char_array(31) = "V"
char_array(32) = "W"
char_array(33) = "X"
char_array(34) = "Y"
char_array(35) = "Z"
'Initiate randomize method for default seeding
'Loop through and create the output based on the the variable passed to
'the function for the length of the key.
do while len(output) < num =" char_array(Int((35" output =" output" gen_key =" output">" & gen_key(10) & "" & vbcrlf
aKey10 = gen_key(10)
Broga Hill
13 years ago